Voucher codes
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Here’s where we keep you posted about all the latest voucher codes, discount codes and offers on the best pink bikes, pink trikes and pink scooters in the UK.There isn’t always one available when buying a girl’s bike or a ladies bike, but we’ll make sure that if one exists, it will be posted here straight away |
There’s a huge sale going on over at Wiggle.
Follow these 3 simple steps to get your gift vouchers!
1.Shop during our Mega Sale from 24th December to 17th January – there is NO minimum spend, buy any product to qualify!
2.Receive 3 FREE vouchers by email prior to 24th January for the following amounts:
£10 off £100
£30 off £250
£50 off £300
3.Use your vouchers from 24th January to the 28th February 2013.